Savings Vs. Roof Replacement

In recent years, asphalt shingle manufacturers have been reducing the amount of asphalt they put in each shingle. The result is that roofs advertised to last 30 years sometimes last as little as 10-15 years before needing replacement. Roof Rejuvenate of Pennsylvania extends the life of your roof for 5 years with each treatment, and you can apply the treatment up to three times, for a total of 15 years of extended life for your roof.

Here's the math:

  • The average size of a residential roof is about 2,500 square feet.
  • In Pennsylvania, the average cost of a roof replacement is about $6.00 per square foot.
  • Roof Rejuvenate of Pennsylvania  average treatment cost per square foot is 85% less.  

Cost of roof replacement: 2,500 sqft. = $15,000 +

Cost of average treatment: 2,500 sqft. = $2,250

SAVINGS: $12.750

As you can see, Roof Rejuvenate of Pennsylvania is a truly revolutionary advancement in roof maintenance, that extends the life of your roof for much less than the cost of replacement.